Another great week for a wonderful meeting!  Laura Lane McKinnon encourage all men in our club to sign up for Real Men Read at Haven Elementary on Wednesday, November 8th.  There is still time to sign up so please contact Laura Lane if you can volunteer an hour of your time to read to the students at Haven.  After all Rotary business items were discussed, Scott Scheidt from Seimitsu spoke about cybersecurity, IT services for small businesses, and the expansion of high-speed broadband fiber into rural areas.
Scott shared that human error accounts for 88% of all IT attacks and that people are always the weakest link in any network's cybersecurity. The best defense against hackers is to be proactive by using push-notifications and multi-factor authentication whenever possible, as well as being sure to use different passwords for every different site that you access.
He also shared that Financial & Healthcare companies have specialized IT requirements and very unique needs and often benefit from having a company who can help them to stay up to date with all of the requirements and help to protect them from hackers or ransomware.
Thank you, Scott, for a very informative and interesting presentation! We appreciate you being willing to answer all of our member's questions and share your extensive knowledge and insights with us!