It was a lovely day for New Officer Installation!  President Jason Jones reminded everyone of the upcoming Back to School School Supply Drive that will be taking place in July for the students at Haven Elementary.  He then thanked everyone who had helped him this past year while he was President.  Once all Rotary business items were discussed, Jason introduced ADG Michael O'Neal who would be helping with the New Officer Installation.  
Michael asked for Andrew Cosey to come forward to be sworn in as the new President of Rotary Club of Savannah East.  All Past Presidents of RCSE that were in attendance came up to ceremoniously pass the gavel to Andrew.  The new officers for Rotary Club of Savannah East for the upcoming year are:
President - Andrew Cosey
Immediate Past President - Jason Jones
President Elect - Mark Sprosty
Secretary – Beth Ferenscik    
Treasurer – Bruce Montgomery
Foundation Chair - Bill Von Alt
Social & Service - Jennifer Graham
Membership - Laura Lane McKinnon
Programs - Kim Campbell & Katie Gingrich
Youth Outreach - Bill Von Alt
Once the new slate of officers were installed, Andrew spoke about how welcoming and genuine the members are at RCSE.  He challenged everyone to share the social and service projects that RCSE does throughout the year with friends and prospective members.  He also challenged all members to bring a friend or colleague to one of our meetings.  Andrew finished by thanking everyone for trusting him in this role.  It looks like the new fiscal year is shaping up to be another great year for RCSE!